REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals) Regulation aim to promote the responsible manufacturing, handling and use of chemicals through risk assessment and communication down in the supply chain. STI is working with our business partners to ensure they understand and respect their duties under REACH.
REACH Article 33 of the legislation requires our company to inform customers about "Substance of Very High Concern"(SVHCs) that are contained in our products. You may find your STI Parts information in the list below.
Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC's) List
The general rules for chemical management within the EU are set by REACH. However REACH is complemented by other EU legislation such as CLP (Classification, Labelling and Packing), WFD (Waste Framework Directive) on SCIP, ELV (End of Life Vehicle) Directive or EU POPs (Persistent Organice Pollutant) Regulation. We are making sure to cooperate with all our business partners in order to manage our supply chain and meet overall compliance.